----- HERE'S WHY-----

It has been an extremely difficult time for the entire nation due to COVID-19. Everyone has been experiencing traumas that are beyond our control, especially young children.

As parents you are the most important influence in your children’s lives. Their ability to communicate honestly and openly with you regarding any kind of experience they are going through, good or bad is imperative for their safety.

Far too many children have been bullied, sexually assaulted and suffered emotionally, all without the ability to share what was happening to them or how they are feeling even with their own parents.

Many times parents remain totally unaware of the pain and distress their child is experiencing until, in some cases, it's too late.

That is why it is so important to find a way to develop and imprint an early close relationship with a deep sense of trust and honest open communication with your children between 1 1/2 to 6 years of age.

The above description is the goal and purpose of "Guardians of the Heart"; To provide a special, adorable, visual tool that a child could love, and help parents communicate with their child. For at this early age it is often almost impossible for any child to express in words exactly what they are experiencing or feeling, many times suffering alone in total silence.

---- AND  ----

In this particular situation the familiar phrase “A Picture

Can Be Worth A Thousand Words” couldn’t be more true! That is

exactly why we created our 4 "Super Hero" "Guardians of the Heart"

visual communication tools. They were created for all parents and young

children to develop an accurate, loving method of monitoring and

dealing with sensitive emotional experiences on a daily basis,

all the while building a close, safe, permanent avenue of

communication between child and parents for years to come.


 All 4 Super Hero’s” are die cut character shapes approximately 20”x 17”


Each “Super Hero” comes with a blank name tag to be personalized with your child’s name.


Each “Super Hero” comes with a heart shaped opening in its chest with an emoji emotion wheel attached underneath on the backside of each “Super Hero.”


Hang your child’s “Super Hero” alongside their bed and at bedtime use the “Super Hero” as a loving, safe way to determine your child’s current emotional feelings.


Rotate the emoji emotion wheel until your child points out the emotions he or she is experiencing.


With the aid of your “Super Hero” discuss the emotions your child is experiencing whether it is positive or traumatic.


Use the “Super Hero” to role-play such as “Super Bunny" and I would like to know what is frightening you?” or “Super Bunny" and I are really glad you are so happy.


After sharing further with your child regarding how they were feeling, inquire how they are feeling now and comment accordingly - “Super Bunny" and I are happy you are feeling better” or “We will all keep working until things are happier and safer for you, etc. And, if necessary do not hesitate to reach out for professional assistance.




An important step is to also instruct your child that when

ever they experience a significant change in their feelings at anytime, that they should let their “Super Hero” know by turning their heart wheel to the emoji image that shows the feelings that they are going through. By monitoring the heart wheel, it will provide you with a clear window into your child’s emotions that can be explored at each evening’s bedtime. This is a routine that will start slowly and will consistently develop into a strong, loving, safe and dependable open avenue of two way communication through out your child’s life. This foundation will prepare your child to prevail over all of their upcoming unexpected experiences on their way to a successful maturation into a capable young adult.


4 "Guardians of the Heart" "Super Heroes" are equally as effective

for all therapists. counselors, caregivers, teachers, etc., to

eliminate any verbal communication barriers and provide

maximum, positive results for any child in care.